That isn't really the question , if you want to wear one do and if not don't.The REAL question is why did this picture get over 30,000 views on my facebook story as well as prompt over 30 people who i don't know and who don't follow my Fitness page to message request me.
All the fab fitness content, exercise, tops tips etc never gets so much attention .
Now let me give you a little context to this picture, i covered most of my body with overlay text saying Factor 50 religiously applied and that i was in the shade over 90 % of the time.I aso normally wear a long sleeve , high neck swimsuit too if swimming/ snorkeing etc, however the extreme heat made it really tricky squeezing into the swimsuit when sweating my butt off so a few dips in the sea resulted in THIS sunburn despite beinfg mostly in the shade as well as applied and reapplied factor 50 (brand new high quality skin care).
Some messages were lovely , helpful messages offering recommendations, advise etc however others were not so pleasant and it got me to thinking what a mean world we sometimes live in ~ most of the nastiness was from women telling me to eat more pies, i'm too skinny ,wear sun protection,calling me an idiot ~ all sorts of things.
People are mean .
People like to put others down.
Some people have too much time on their hands.
BUT some people are kind.
Some people like to support others and build them up.
Me ? i will encourage and support you ,if you chosse to train with me i'll always be your biggest supporter and i'll aways be kind as well as, if when needed, firm.
So whether you want to wear a bikini or cover yourself from head to toe ~ feeling good in your own skin, being fit and healthy for life is the goal.
Let me help you thrive,we get one life and only one of these amazing bodies ~let live that life well, move our fantastic bodies more and fuel them well.
Oh and don't forget your sun protection & if like me you still get burn't despite taking all the precautions don't make the mitsake of sharing that pic anywhere as you'll just get roasted for it ,
Hope to see you soon .....options to suit everyone (fitness level, schedule ,goal)
Get in touch today ,
Emma xx